Pinegar Gals

This is a blog for all the girls in the Pinegar pack. We have a love/hate relationship with The Bachelor but have decided that it's more love than hate, especially since the show gives daughters, moms, sisters, cousins, aunts and a grandma like us the chance to span the distance between states and even countries and feel connected. So here's our blog, sure to be filled with rantings, disagreements, nausea, anxiety, gasping, gagging, giggling and hopefully a couple "aww" moments. Enjoy!

Monday, February 22, 2010


A few words from Mom via email:

There is no way to make sense of this Bachelor drama. The week Ali went home I could only think one word: "Phony!" After last week, again only one word came to mind: "Argh!" I'm glad we have you to keep us interested! I would love to hear from the rest of you, too.

(I still can't figure out how to post on the blog. If you want to contribute my two words you may, Lisa. Exilda would enjoy knowing you were using her name for your password! I love it!)

Meanwhile, the Olympics have my attention! I am in awe of those amazing athletes -- the men and the women! Amazing!

Love to all, Bon Bon

Friday, February 19, 2010

Dad's Gonna Kill Me

Okay - so I HAVE to, simply HAVE to, relay some thoughts from Dad. Yes, Dad. Rex D. P. I'm sure he is like most of the other guys we know who watch it only because the girls in their lives do and they are giving us due reciprocity for all the football games we've knitted and cooked and worked puzzles through. I love that he knows what all the fuss is about (along with Derek and Joel and probably Zane and half the boys Paige and Brooke know, etc.).

That said, in our conversation, he laughed at the blogs posted so far and even though he's not a blogger himself, he enjoyed reading our running commentary. At which point I reminded him that the invitation to our blog is open to the men-folk as well. As near as I can quote he said the following:

  • (laughing at the thought) I'm not sure I should put what I'm thinking. I'd like to poke that guy in the snout!
  • He said the same thing to every girl on their home town dates like telling them he was falling in love with them and asked every girls' dad if he could marry them, giving them each the indication that he wanted to. [exactly - he didn't need to do that, there's all that time they have to kill on the day of the final rose. A phone call to "papa" could be fit in there some where, right?]
  • They eliminate the girl who was involved with people on the staff but they keep a girl like Vienna around who they must have known was involved in all kinds of shady behavior before she got there [which I must say was a very valid point I'd not thought of before - just because half these girls weren't messing around on set for the week or two they were there means they're more "worthy" to hang around and get two-timed on than two-timing Rozlyn? Interesting observation...]
  • After reading about who some of these girls are in every day life made his stomach turn and makes him disappointed in the workings of the show all around. Why would they know these things and not reveal them to the Bachelor - drama value aside? Let the guy at least make an informed choice. If Jake has been choosing Vienna after knowing what she did to her husband while he was in Iraq,etc., then I guess he gets what he gets. In Dad's words, "Then I could pick the guy up by his ear and...."

Big smiles in my face from all of this - hopefully yours too! See Dad? You're a blogger after all!

Thursday, February 18, 2010


Okay - by your silence I am guessing that you're just as stupified and speechless as I am. I didn't post anything LAST week (when Ali walked out) because I didn't have 5 hours to spout my diatribe on everything from tarot cards and crying Grandma ghosts to perky post-divorce tears and Ed+Jillian revisited. I mean, Lexi is right -- couldn't they at least have changed the hotel room couch to the other wall or perhaps the answering-the-door-after-thumbing-through-the-hotel-magazine-waiting-for-lights-camera-action-peekaboo camera angle? Please..... At least they had that intensely dramatic and I'm sure completely unplanned sobbing collapse to the ground in the hallway by Ali after she headed for her room on pace number 8, carpet medallion number 4, and hold-2-3-4, tears-2-3-4, flop head, face into the hands, whimper, sob, cut, print!

(This is where you would see my rolled eyes get permanently stuck back in their sockets).

Whatever else you can say about Ali, at least she knows how to look chic-ly haggard. I don't know about you, but what a mistake it would have been to show up at the rose ceremony looking beautiful. The just-ran-3-miles pony-tail and grey-and-pink floral junior-high strappy summer frock combo with matching tan character shoes was far better a choice for your grand exit than, say, a stunning red cap-sleeved, knee-lengthed classic wrap-around dress with matching spike heels and lips that Gia rocked. Makes saying, "Good-bye, you fool" so much easier!!


Of course, why didn't I enjoy that episode while I could? This week's show gave me such high-voltage nausea that I am still trying to recover. How can this guy who has the wisdom and class to say, Sorry Ali but you made your choice, be so brainless and clueless as to keep the likes of Queen of the Bayou Bilge Vienna???!!!!! It's impossible! How much are they paying him? Those girls are right -- if Vienna is what he's wanted all along, it's an insult to keep getting roses (go figure THAT one out!) When is Ali going to pull a "Jake" and fly into the Bahamas to give her "there's nothing in it for me but I care so much about you I just have to warn you about Wes" speech before she hangs her head on the railing and weeps? Oh wait -- that's still HIS job. Every episode. Forever....


So - okay. I'm done. Everyone thinks I'm kidding but I'm not. I'm going to record the Tell All on Monday and fast forward to the parts that give the update on Wes and the partying, past-participant losers who will be single until they're 40, if not forever. And then, I'm going to record the Final Rose Episode, wait til it's all over, fast forward to the last frame and Laugh. My. Head OFF!!!


My fantasy ending: Ali flies in to show Jake Vienna's white-trash suspenders-only photo in her copy of the locals homemade Hooters calendar. Jake brings in Vienna to confront her with it, Ali glaring and pouting and shooting daggers with her eyes while she pushes her 5 strands of hair back into her pony-tail that she hasn't taken out since leaving the show in memorium of lost love. Jake scolds Vienna, cries tears of disappointment (at the railing outside his room of course), and then dutifully eliminates Tenley on the grounds that, morals aside, there's just no chemistry. Jake thanks Ali for being so noble, sends her to hair and make-up for a touch up before surprising her with a helicopter ride to the local Creole Voodoo Chaman who is waiting to channel a cry-in with Ali's grandma as a thank-you gesture for her self-sacrificing trip to the Caribbean paid for by ABC.

Then Jake, making sure his pooka-shell necklace is visible over his tuxedo collar and tie, proposes to Vienna (who is sobbing because her contacts have sand in them), slaps her on the rear-end with her rose, and in an attempt at SOME kind of variety, takes her back into the hotel where there is a black-and-red velvet reception being hosted in their honor by her dad (who confirms it's his daughter who won by doing a braille read of her face even WITH his high-powered specs on) and the entire Hooters staff back home. As Jake is packing for their return to the States, Vienna steals his wallet, calls Wes, schedules her total facial reconstruction, pre-pays it in full over the phone on Jake's credit card, and takes off in the limo alone with her nasty, drug-store-bottle-blond extensions flapping in the wind to the sounds of a new country song playing in the background that starts out with what sounds like the words, "Love -it don't come easy...."

During the After the Final Rose show, while Jake is repeating to Chris Harrison for the ump-teenth time that he "did what was best for him", a bridal-veil-wearing Michelle bursts in mid-sentence with an ovulation predictor kit and a preacher and, when Jake escapes to the nearest railing, Michelle is announced as the next Bachelorette.

Fade to black.

I don't know why ABC won't hire me.

Happy watching girls. And WRITE BACK!! I have to know I'm not the only whacko out here!

Thursday, February 11, 2010

deja vu?

Is this a re-run of the Bachelorette??
Ali must think that if she pulls the "I'm gonna get fired" card and leaves that Jake will pick her when she decided to make a dramatic return ... just like Jillian picked Ed.

Monday, February 8, 2010


Just one more quick comment -- after reading some of the men's views in some of your posts, I highly encourage our Pinegar men to post blogs of their own! I LOVE hearing the male perspective and comparing it to ours, particularly their predictions vs. the women's. If you can get any of your men-folk to blog about, feel free! That is, if they even want to admit to watching it. Hey - we're all family and you're just doing your spousal, supportive duty, right? Jump in, guys! We'd love it!

Quick response

A comment to ALL comments:


Honestly - my dose of morning laughter! You're all hilarious - too many gems to mention but I can't get enough. I love it all -- why didn't we do this before? Thanks for the smiles everyone.

I'm pathetic - I admit it. When it's Friday I'm so happy because it means I'm so much closer to Monday! what does that say about my warped mentality? Oh well, we can all be 'warped' together! And we're only just getting started. American Idol is starting to heat up now and with so many touching human interest stories this season, I'm going to be on the phone all night trying to vote in every cancer-surviving, hick-ville dwelling, gospel-singing, ghetto-fighting, partially-paralyzed, Turret's Syndrome victim, ex-con every known to man!! Gracious - I need to get a life. And waaay more projects to do while sitting in front of a tv! Ah well....bring it on. At least I'm home when the kids get home (and leave and come back again). I think we should pitch a new "Big Idea" to Donny Deutsch - "Reality TV Rehab." Anybody in? : o )


(note from Lisa: sorry Mom, but I'm officially using that as your universal name from now on - it covers all the bases including Mom, grandma, mother-in-law, great-grandma, etc. Hope you don't care cuz we love it! This is mom's email from this weekend.)

Thanks Lisa!

I loved reading your Bachelor Blog -- every word! And I enjoyed reading Brooke's analysis of this intriguing show, too. (You share the same talent for writing -- and analyzing.) I have been checking every day since the Roslyn scandal to see what you were all thinking. I began to think the GRANDMA of the family is the only one watching this drama. I have to give the producers credit -- I am one viewer who is hooked and can't wait to see what happens next! I was really liking Corrie. I think she looked really good with him, I liked the way she dressed, thought she was fun, nice, and she won me over when she told Jake she thought saving oneself for marriage is a "gift one takes to the marriage." I was so disappointed that she went home. Now I'm wondering if they are all going home! Who was at his door? How is this going to end!

Lisa, thanks for your instructions for posting something on the Blog. I tried each step but couldn't find a place to type a message. Brooke is coming here tomorrow and she will show me how. I will post my comments if the rest of you will. I love hearing what you all think more than I love the show!

Sunday, February 7, 2010

ditto, woof

This will be short because sisters must think alike. I wholeheartedly agree with the previous post. (turtlenecks? woof) Ana and I skype and have our Bachelor convo's in person so we can make funny facial expressions (imitate Gia's lips).
I just have to laugh because I never really liked Gia (until the last few episodes) but Zane seriously watched one episode and was sure Gia was "the one", Funny how guys can read other guys, oh and not to mention her occupation reads "swimsuit model"!! He thought Ali was catty and Vienna was hideous and Tenly was cheesy/too perky. Poor Cori - but did they ever even have a moment? No.


After several midterms (four in one week...really, BYU?), I was finally able to watch the Bach when everybody else in the world was watching the Super Bowl. Anyways, I am furious at Jake. I'm totally with Grandma, Corrie seems like the only real girl and even though I was so uncomfortable when she was trying to get him to kiss her in the boat, I was really starting to like her. I think she's right, I think if they had been just dating each other, things could have worked really well between them. Whatever, she's better than Jake. Good for her for saving it for marriage. I wish she hadn't tried to make it less of a big deal before the rose ceremony. She's got nothing to be ashamed of.
Even though I liked Corrie, I'm TOTALLY team Gia, and have been for awhile now. I was a little distracted by her insane lips at first, but I really like her. She's the only one who still treats Vienna like a human being, even though she doesn't really like her. I don't know, I think it's endearing how self-conscious Gia is. I think Tenley will probably end up winning and Ali will be the next bachelorette, but I still like Gia best.
My favorite moments were:
  • Vienna fake crying and caring a lantern (!?!) around that castle.
  • Vienna saying "What if I went down to see him?" and Gia saying, "That would be weird."
  • Jake saying he definitely had dirty thoughts when Vienna came into his room at the castle, and then when they showed his face when she walked in he looked totally disgusted.
  • Jake's cheesey, empty statements like, "I could definitely be falling for this girl" and "I'm ready to just let myself go and fall into love." Barf.
  • Jake's turtleneck on his date with Tenley.
  • When Ali was like, "Feel my pulse, it just went through the roof." So rude. Vienna was sitting right there. Ali's a brat.
  • When Vienna said she wanted marriage to be like teenage puppy love and then she made that crazy noise and grabbed his face and kissed him. Yikes.
Vienna has to be a producer's choice. Jake never seems happy to be with her; he always looks really uncomfortable. Even when he took her down to that balcony, he didn't seem that into it. I don't know. I don't buy it that Jake has been holding back with her just so he won't push other girls away. And I don't like to get down on anyone about what they look like, but she's got to do something about her hair and make up. She just always looks thrashed. Oh well, Aunt Lisa is right, it would be a boring season without her.
I'm excited for hometown dates. They're always good for a laugh (remember Molly's parents on Jason's season? I swear they made up that hat thing just to look like they had some quirky tradition. Lame.) I'm excited for the drama. I don't know who's at the door, but they pull this every season. Last season like, six guys came back. And Deeana came back to talk to Jason, so I just don't know. I don't feel like Jake made a strong enough bond with any of the girl's he's cut to justify any of them coming back. Unless it's Rozlyn and she explains herself.
Well, that's all I have. I'm excited for tomorrow's episode. Love to hear what the rest of you think!

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Lisa's long take

Well, I'm finally weighing in and I'm not sure how much time I'll take, but with so many episodes under our belts, this may take a while. Or maybe not. As in many years past, the cream rose to the top fairly early and none of us has been too far off in our predictions and prejudices. Our "like minds" entertain me. Is there another family on the planet that can have such "heated agreements" on anything or anyone? Loved ALL the posts. Do more!!

So here goes - I love Jake. I'm with Ana - I like Jake the Bachelor sooo much more than Jake the Contestant, Jake the Snitch, Jake the "Perfect" loser. After the Bachelorette, I didn't think I could watch a whole season of him. But, he won me over pretty quickly with his list of priorities - God, family, and friends - was it?, "in that order". He's getting even better and better each week. Getting rid of so many so fast and even doing it with a tear in his eye? The guy's good. To top it all off - he finally did reveal a flaw! Jillian - where are you? He keeps "rose-ing" VIENNA!!! I just have one question - which producer is she related to? The only thing that could make her any worse is if she wore a tiara all the time (I could swear those girls are twins).

Anyway, given the rather boring personalities of the remaining girls, if Vienna weren't there, it would be a snooze-fest. Even Ali doesn't have much to say unless it's about Ms. V. Perhaps in a coming "tell all" Jake will reveal his "very specific reasons" for keeping her and "wanting" her to stay. I can think of a few things that would make ME want to keep her and they all have a $ sign in front of them.

Okay - forget her. I am coming out in full favor of Gia. She is my favorite and has been since that one bimbo was eliminated for cheating with staffers. Her first one-on-one sealed the deal - nerd in high school, kids BEFORE 30, adopting Chinese girls and owning a pig, and being willing to leave NYC for Texas? The fact that she almost always has sleeves in her loose-fitting clothes (albeit her dresses get pretty short sometimes) and she doesn't get pulled into the gossip and drama of Ali and Vienna makes her a class act to me. I really liked Ali until she turned catty over Vienna. I loved Tenley for the first couple of weeks when she was first getting acquainted but I keep waiting for her to lower her voice an octave and get out of the perky, 'Nice to meet you' phase. Corey was okay - but slow to move and announcing you're a virgin on this show is like announcing you have leprosy in an emergency room. Or like using the "friend" word the night of a rose ceremony. I mean, Jake having "absolute respect" for that whole thing means essentially, "...and good luck with that." Ashleigh was beyond embarrassing. Ella was too old and, frankly, a little too classy. Valishia - one I was hoping he'd give some more time to - was too mature. My early favorite, Sheila, was too darn pretty, I guess, knew how to dress and wear make-up, didn't drape her legs on his lap or rub his back pockets, and wasn't related to any in the production staff, apparently.

So -- okay, my FAVORITE part of the whole episode this week was the castle.

Favorite moment -- when Vienna declared that she was going to pretend Gia wasn't there and proceeded to "captivate" Jake with such stimulating and seductive conversation about herself and her insecurities that he leaned into Gia while giving Vienna his undivided attention and when Vienna finally took a breath, said, "I'm going to steal Gia for a few minutes if that's okay" and didn't wait for an answer. Followed by Gia immediately making his sentence a compound one by stating that Vienna could have the rest of her salmon. Did it even take those 2 more than 3 seconds to be on their feet and out of there?

Second best moment - hugging both girls before bed and, right in front of Vienna, clinging to Gia and whispering what a great time he'd had.

Corniest moment - "it's okay to fall."

Worst moment -- Vienna pretending to be spooked in her rehearsed foray through a candle-lit cellar and calling out to "Jake - honey." (Good thing there was a commercial break - my wretching took a few moments to get under control).

Second best worst moment -- her pathetic and excruciatingly embarrassing attempt at bedtime seduction.

Most puzzling moment - giving a rose to Vienna ANYWAAAAAAYYYYY!!!!.
I'm with Brooke - I'm exhausted trying to like Jake when I'm so mad at him so often.

Lastly -- I hate "Next week on the Bachelor." Why did I watch it? I rarely do. But, now I'm going to stew all week over what I think they tried to make me think. And if I'm wrong I'll be so mad at them and if I'm right --- I'll be so mad at them!!

Predictions? (spoiler alert if you want to avoid speculation) Gia decides to leave. Vienna is the default over-night date Jake thought he wouldn't have to have because part of why he was keeping her is so he'd have an easy elimination at this point. Tenley will be the too-perfect remaining final choice and Ali will be the next Bachelorette, which I think she's well suited for. More than for Jake's wife. We'll see if I'm right -- although they may bring someone back like they always seem to do now and it might be fair if a girl leaves early. Whatever. He may surprise us all and call Michelle when this is all over!!!

That's it for now. Everybody weigh in - I love your takes on things. Until next Monday...Lisa

Wednesday, February 3, 2010


I keep falling more and more in love with Jake as the season progresses.

Yet, the longer he keeps Vienna around, I'm falling less and less in love with him.

It's very tiring.