Pinegar Gals

This is a blog for all the girls in the Pinegar pack. We have a love/hate relationship with The Bachelor but have decided that it's more love than hate, especially since the show gives daughters, moms, sisters, cousins, aunts and a grandma like us the chance to span the distance between states and even countries and feel connected. So here's our blog, sure to be filled with rantings, disagreements, nausea, anxiety, gasping, gagging, giggling and hopefully a couple "aww" moments. Enjoy!

Thursday, January 14, 2010

So much drama

I must admit I was surprised at home much drama they had on only the second episode. I agree with all that has been said in emails by Suzanne and Kiki. Rozlyn was ridiculous...I cannot honestly believe that Jake really thought she was a completely good person who was just there for him. And the setting of their little love-fest was so trashy to me. That chain-link fence was so ghetto. Ali is still my favorite but I think that Tenley is so sweet and I really want her to go on a single date. SOOO glad to see Christina go. I was not into her at all.
Apparently Jake forgot how to button his shirt when he was only two buttons up, so he barely made it past his belly button. Seriously, so wrong. My favorite person on the show right now might be Chris Harrison. He was believably upset when he had to confront Rozlyn about her little misdeeds, and my respect for him grew a little bit. (As much as my respect can grow for someone who hosts a reality TV show).
Next week's episode looks intense. Michelle is crazy. I'm actually scared of what she might do when she gets kicked off. I wish Tenley had just let her leave when she was having her temper tantrum.

1 comment:

  1. Sisters think alike... ditto to all you said Ana. I actually read into it a little more (cause I'm lame like that) and found an interview online by Rozlyn. She said it's all made out to look much worse to create drama for the show. She also said she has a 7 year old - which she failed to mention at all on the show! I feel bad she was made out to look so bad but I'm glad she's gone!
