Pinegar Gals

This is a blog for all the girls in the Pinegar pack. We have a love/hate relationship with The Bachelor but have decided that it's more love than hate, especially since the show gives daughters, moms, sisters, cousins, aunts and a grandma like us the chance to span the distance between states and even countries and feel connected. So here's our blog, sure to be filled with rantings, disagreements, nausea, anxiety, gasping, gagging, giggling and hopefully a couple "aww" moments. Enjoy!

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

more drama

OK, just finished watching Monday's episode and I HAD to spit out my thoughts.

* First off - GOOD RIDDANCE MICHELLE! Phew, glad she sent her self home, she was asking for it!
* Vienna's just young and immature, poor thing.
* I still like Alli.
* I was surprised he sent Elizabeth home - but I'm kinda glad. The whole "don't kiss me" thing was TOTALLY a game and I'm glad Jake saw through that.
* I still can't get myself to really like Ella but Jake scored major points by bringing her son along for the date (I actually teared up when he ran up to her at Sea World - just thinking about how hard it must be for her to be away from her son.)
* I was thinking he'd send Jessie home since she hasn't had any airtime really. I feel like I don't "know" her
* Anyone else feel really bad for Valisha when she left, saying "I'm used to everything not going my way" - I don't think she ever got to talk to him.
* Girls are mean - I could NEVER go through something like this!!
* I'm excited to see what drama next weeks episode brings....

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