Ok. So, mom asked me to share the method that my roommates and I used for ratings on the first episode. (Our ward makes us name our houses and ours is named The Kissing Booth, hence "The Kissing Booth Method".)
- First we wrote down the girls' names as they came out of the limo. We wrote something that would help us remember a little bit about them like what they were wearing or something they said. Then as they walked into the mansion we gave them a first impression rating (out of 5) based on how much we liked them and put stars next to the girls we thought Jake would like.
- Once they were inside and he had one-on-one time with them, we added any extra notes we wanted. If we changed our opinion of a girl we would put either a plus or a minus next to her name.
- During the commercial before the Rose Ceremony, we guessed who we thought he would pick and who we thought the show would make him keep.
- After the show we went through and picked who we thought would make it to the top spots and who would only make it a couple weeks. We also gave them another rating since we knew them a little bit better.
I'm sure next week our formatting will change a little bit since we'll be able to recognize the girls.
And YES, we do realize that we're crazy/obsessed. It's embarrassing. But not embarrassing enough that I'm going to stop.
Ok, so now that you understand our method, here was our opinion on the girls:
- "It's gonna be a bumpy ride," looks like Hilary Duff, Rating: 3
- "I'm used to getting guys for my looks." (-)
- He'll probably keep her, won't be sad if he doesn't though
- She'll last about three more weeks. Rating: 2.5
- Busty, fitness model, green dress, he said she has pretty eyes, Rating:4
- No notes
- Hope he keeps her
- Eliminated
- Peacock feather, yellow dress, sore throat, Rating: 4
- Afraid of flying, ripped her dress, first one-on-one time, (+)
- He'll for sure keep her
- She'll make it to at least the Top 3. AT LEAST. Rating:5
- Pretty dress, "Are you registered for these guns?" Rating:2
- No notes
- She's iffy
- Didn't really get to know her well enough to predict. Rating:2
- Blue dress, very sweet, Rating: 3.5
- Virgin till marriage, divorced, "10 things about Tenley", FIRST KISS, First Impression Rose, (+)
- He already kept her
- Top 3 at least. Though since she's an early favorite, she could sputter out quickly. Rating:5
- Tried to trick him with the nose trick, he pretended to fall for it, awkward, Rating:2
- She's a mom, gave him her kid's plane, (+)
- He'll keep her
- She'll make it to about the Top 8, Rating:3
- Cute purple dress, "breath of fresh air", Rating:3.5
- Flight attendant, wears fake engagement ring, (+)
- He better keep her
- She'll make the Top 8 hopefully, Rating:4
- Sparkly blue dress, "can't wait to see you in uniform", Rating:2
- No notes
- She's gone
- Eliminated
- National Guard, double-sided quarter, Rating:4.5
- No notes, but we love her
- He'll keep her
- Eliminated!
- Gloves, biker, called him "babe", Rating:1
- No notes, but she's gross
- Hopefully she leaves, though he might keep her to make it look like he isn't prejudiced towards tomboys.
- Eliminated
- Felt his abs, Rating:1.5
- (-)
- She's iffy
- She's filler. Just there in the background. Two weeks and she's gone, Rating:1
- "Kissimmee", Rating:4
- Looks pretty at some angles, other angles she looks sort of like a horse, wardrobe consultant
- He'll keep her
- She could turn out to be cool or she could be easily forgotten, Rating:3.5
- NBA dancer, Rating:2
- No notes
- She's gone
- Eliminated
- Red dress, from Texas, brought soil for "common ground", Rating:2.5
- (+)
- He'll keep her
- Won't make it past three weeks, Rating:3.5
- Swimsuit model, from Manhattan, girly-girl, he likes her hair, Rating:1
- No notes
- She's gone
- She hopefully won't make it past next week, Rating:1
- Wrong choice on the top part of her dress for her body, "Imagine favorite place" he was sweet and said, "right here", she said snowboarding... Rating:3
- Threw a football with him, (+)
- He'll keep her for sure
- She'll stay till about the top 4, Rating:4
- Cambodian, Rating:3
- CRUDE! (-)!
- She better leave. Jake for sure wants her gone, but the show might make him keep her
- Eliminated! Good riddance!
- Fuchsia dress, Picker Machine, Split rating- Brooke:3.5, Others:3
- Stewardess outfit, teacher, Split again- Brooke (+), Others: (-)
- He'll keep her
- Split again-Brooke thinks she'll make Top 8 and bumped her up to a 4, Others don't think she'll last that long and took her down to a 2.5
- "That's my future husband, he just doesn't know it yet", Rating:3
- No notes
- She's gone
- Eliminated
- "Guys girl", brought parting gifts for other girls, Rating:2
- She had him get on the ground to give her a superman? How embarrassing! (-)
- He'll keep her for filler, but he shouldn't
- She's an idiot, 3 weeks tops, Rating:1.5
- Fake fall into his arms, bimbo, really high slit on dress, Rating:2
- (-)
- She's iffy
- She's more filler, won't make it past Top Ten, Rating:1
- Looks like a man, Rating:1
- No notes
- She's gone
- Eliminated
- Wants to get the first dance, Rating:3
- (+)
- She'll stay
- Eliminated
- "Pair of Aviators", pilot, Rating:3
- No notes
- Hope he keeps her
- Eliminated
- Awkward plane arms, seems fun though, stumbled on words at the end, Rating:3
- She's nuts! Flashback to Shannon from Jason's season, (-)
- They're going to make him keep her because she's crazy
- Ugh. He'll have to keep her till about the Top 8, Rating: .5
PHEW! Wow. That took forever. Luckily, there won't be any more posts this long anymore. I promise I'm almost done. I just have to say one more thing: I love this man

and if he and Jillian ever break up, I'm going on the season that they make for him.
There. Done. Now it's everyone else's turn to post something. It doesn't have to be as dramatic as mine, I just want something from everybody. I can't wait to hear your opinions!
Brooke - a masterpiece. You knew I'd love this and I'm all in for using your evaluation method AND blogging about it. It's great! Thanks for doing this -
ReplyDeleteI'm officially going on record as a revived Jake fan - any guy with his genetics and work ethic who puts God and family first in his life ("in that order") is high on my 'favorites' list despite leaping like a girl when throwing a football or leaning on railings and sobbing to remind the world of his sensitive side.
I am also officially declaring myself to be a big Ali fan, a reluctant Elizabeth fan, and a resigned Tenley fan. Ali is cute, charming, sweet, natural and probably a little too obvious a pick for the guy; Elizabeth is a little too strong of a personality for the guy (she needs an actual athlete - where's that blond football coach from Jillian's season when you need him?); and Tenley is perfect for for the guy. I can already see him and Tenley married and the parents of 2 kids - a boy and a girl as sweet and vanilla in their personalities as they are. Michelle? Most likely some producer's niece who took this stint on the show as a bribe for staying out of the family's hair for 6 weeks. Let's face it - there HAVE to be producer's picks in the mix at all times to add high drama (hence Michelle, Gia, and Vienna.). Not even The Bachelors are that masochistic. Michelle -- Too needy, too serious, too emotional - Jake's already got those covered. He needs a ray of sunshine, not a cloud.
One last thing - maybe we can have a leader board of some kind where we rank the remaining girls in order of our picks and tally our votes. Can something like that be added to our blog? I'll let you figure that out...
Love you Brooke - let the season officially begin!! Mom
Wow, Brooke! Thanks for setting this up. This is very official. I'm excited though, I think it's going to be very fun. I'm still trying to get to the second half of the first episode, and then I will post my reactions. Love to you all.
ReplyDeleteI haven't watched the first episode yet cause 'someone' deleted the TIVO'd episode. So I will have to catch up. How fun it this though. Now I "have" to watch it, or at least that's what I can tell Zane :)
ReplyDeleteLexi no one deleted it because I watched it and it was good, and I like Tenely the most. Grandma, I too like Ashleigh, but who knows what could happen. One question though, why does Jake look way cuter than he did when he was on the bachelorette?